
Thinisu / Buckets & Batteries movie (Summer '03?)

Thinisu Indo-American restaurant was located on Easton Ave in New Brunswick from approx 2003-2008-ish. It quickly became a band favorite for their econo and often vegetarian friendly Indian dishes. It was only a block or two from 1/2 the band's apartment on Courtlandt St.  Ravi, the proprietor and chef (who's picture I misplaced) invited Buckets & Batteries to come play in front of the restaurant for food on a warm day in '03 or '04.  I don't think he knew we'd be there for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  The band's line up morphed throughout resulting in an endless 'music'. We did a constant improvised set of what we called 'junk jazz', as explained in the article and movie in this post.  Ravi surprised us (or at least me) by making a movie of the event in which he used only live edits and no post-production.  It turned out pretty nice and a bunch of old friends of this era make appearances throughout.  A few years after the Buckets day lo...

Lydia Lunch Art Opening Spring '02-ish

In Spring of 2002(?), I had an audition night gig set up at CBGBs.  I booked it with Human Adults in mind as the band.  Back then (and maybe even a little now) it was a crap-shoot as to what musicians were playing a gig.  Human Adult Band, Buckets & Batteries and Magnet City Kids had a lot of overlap in terms of members.  In 2002 Human Adult Band also was still very much forming.  I did not own a cell phone, so before a gig, gathering the musicians entailed driving the econoline to a couple houses in New Brunsick and houses in South Brunswick and Somerset.  This routine if not done well in advance, often meant running late in true Angus MacLise form.  This was not popular with the club owners.  So for this gig we were running behind and still had to traverse the clogged road ways at the Holland Tunnel.  When we arrived, Hilly's people told us we missed our spot.  I don't remember that phasing us much.  We, as Angus may have done...

New Brunswick, NJ: 2003
